Alex C. Kang, PharmD, APh, BCPS, BCACP, BCGP

Director, Clinical Pharmacy
L.A. Care Health Plan

Los Angeles

I can’t tell if anything changed or what I learned, but I’m sure I did and it’s probably that I’m not self-aware enough to notice it. As I think back to the time I spent at LDI meetings and working on LDI assignments, I realize I should probably have done more but I did exactly how much I wanted.

I think many people may think that, but may not admit it. This reflection is being read by a lot of people and the proper thing to do is to reflect on how much you grew through the program and go on and on about how you discovered so much about yourself and how awesome everything is. As you read through all the reflections you see that it’s true for everyone, but that’s not what I got out of it. I don’t want to come across as being ungrateful or lazy but I really can’t tell if anything changed. I’m not usually much for reflection, but I did do more reflecting through LDI. What I can tell you is that we went over a lot of concepts that were very interesting and I pretty much forgot it all. It’s like the classes in pharmacy school. There was a lot of information and it was really good information, but I don’t remember much. Just like in pharmacy school, I got from it what I could. For those considering LDI, it can give you the ability to self-reflect and change things about your life.

The CPhA LDI program is a great program and as with anything in life, you get as much as you put into it. I put into LDI what I wanted and I’m sharing what I have learned. I know my learning style. It is either I learn it on my own or my wife nags me about it enough that I learn it. Those two are it and there is nothing that will change that for now.

LDI covered a lot of theory, whereas I respond well to actionable tools. That’s why I can’t really tell you all the leadership theory and the magic that is LDI but I finished my LDI project. There hasn’t been much change in my knowledge, and I did some reflecting, but mainly I had a great time at CPhA LDI. I interpreted CPhA LDI program as a platform of new opportunities. It is a great program for both new and seasoned professionals to find out about themselves and meet new people.

I applied to LDI because I wanted to learn more about myself, meet new people, and get more involved with CPhA. I accomplished all three things. My LDI project was to have a continuing education session at the 2018 CPhA Western Pharmacy Exchange. To my team at L.A. Care Health Plan, I emphasize personal and professional growth. I encourage them to be proactive within the pharmacy profession. LDI helped me get more involved with CPhA, and LDI also led to my L.A. Care Health Plan team getting involved within the organization.  LDI helped me recruit many of my staff to be active in CPhA by attending the San Gabriel Valley chapter meetings, co-presenting with me at Western Pharmacy Exchange, and applying for a future LDI cohort.

My LDI podmates were the perfect match to what I needed to get the most out of LDI. Our group was efficient and communicated enough to meet our needs. I know some pods were more actively talking but that would not fit my style of learning and I am grateful to my pod for what each individual brought to the team dynamic. This is the part where I am supposed to write about what I learned in more detail but if you read the first sentence then you already know the answer. Therefore, my only advice would be, take control and do what you set out to do. LDI teaches you to take responsibility for your actions and I may not be self-aware of my learning, but I know that I accomplished more through LDI than I would have had I not done LDI.