The Pharmacy Leadership Network is an academy of individuals with CPhA leadership training whose mission is to engage in continued leadership growth opportunities that enhance the profession of pharmacy.

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Nicole Nielsen, PharmD, BCACP, APh

Assistant Professor of Clinical Sciences California Health Sciences University Fresno My journey into the Leadership Development Institute started off with a texted picture of my name on the interest slip by a fellow member of the local CPhA association. I debated the idea of submitting my application since I was still learning my roles and … Continue reading Nicole Nielsen, PharmD, BCACP, APh

Michelle Chu, PharmD, BCACP

Director, Pharmacy Practice Residency Program in Primary Care Assistant Professor of Clinical Pharmacy USC School of Pharmacy Los Angeles I joined CPhA’s Leader Development Institute (LDI) to develop leadership skills that I constantly felt lacked of while taking a lead on a clinical pharmacy service project and to re-energize myself with new inspiration and motivation. … Continue reading Michelle Chu, PharmD, BCACP

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